Saturday, July 29, 2006

Two Keikos- Keiko Mecheri Loukhoum and Jasmine

Two of the fragrance samples I tested lately were Keiko Mecheris. The first, Loukhoum, was a love at first sniff. A few months ago I might not have been swept off my feet so completely, but things have changed since my love affair with almond and vanilla has begun. Loukhum is a more mature and sophisticated Lea Extreme. It has more notes that make it a bit spicier and more complex, but the vanilla-almond-musk base is similar- beautiful, warm and comforting. It has a very good staying power and is highly recommended to anyone who is a Lea fan.

My love for Loukhoum made my disappointment with Keiko's Jasmine very bitter. I like jasmine as a note, mixed with other components. But this one was not only one tracked and simple, it wasn't even a very good jasmine. It's probably a matter of taste and body chemistry, but I haven't worn anything that smelled so cheap in many, many years. I don't think I'd be able to distinguish Jasmine from any similar-noted drugstore air freshener. As far as I'm concerned this fragrance might have been manufactured by Glade.

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