Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tan and Tanner

Jergens Natural glow has been very good to my legs for the last couple of years. I've been using the one in Medium quite religiously every other day and have maintained the natural not too deep tan look. Lately I decided that I want something just a bit bolder, kind of a high summer glow. I could have just gone up in color and got the darkest of the three Jergens, but this time I decided to try something new.

My weekly Target run for cat litter has become much more interesting since they started carrying Boots no 7 products. I picked Quick Dry Tinted Lotion in medium/dark, and haven't looked back since. The tint part is the only unimpressive thing about this lotions. If your natural color is anywhere near mine, you won't see much of it, so don't count on an instant glow. Instead, wait 2-3 hours for the real color to develop. The first day I used it, I wanted to get as deep a tan as I could, so I reapplied after about five hours. The results were as close to perfect as I could hope for. Since then, I've been renewing my tan every 2-3 days, and the color stays fresh. It's true brown: no jaundice and no oompa loompa in sight.

Other good things about this lotion are the ease of application: it seems to be fool-proof; Also: the scent is (dare I say it?) pleasant. And a word of warning: The lotion is very tenacious. Wash your hands and carefully scrub them with a brush, otherwise you'll end up with George Hamilton on your palms.

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