Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sonia Rykiel 7e Sense - The Lost Perfumes

You don't get to hear much about Sonia Rykiel's first perfume, 7e Sense (1979). It has vanished off the shelves in the mid 80s and seems to have been forgotten. It's not very surprising, though, considering the shift in taste and trends. In an era when people are constantly looking to smell like their clean laundry, a dark animalic beast as 7e Sense doesn't really fit in the designer market. And what an animal it was...

The opening of this Sonia Rykiel creation starts with some seriously old aldehydes. My tiny bottle isn't exactly fresh and it takes a minute or two before the blast from the past settles down and reveals what's underneath. There's a feeling of an aged, exquisite fruity liqueur, dark and syrupy, being poured into crystal glasses. You can almost see the dim, candle-lit, velvet-draped room in which this rendez vous is taking place. Long black gloves, a slinky dress, soft murmurs. It's a cliche, I know, but the setting for this perfume simply cannot be an ordinary date at a hook-up bar. It's about strangers on a train, Lady Chatterley and her lover, Isadora Wing's sexual adventures... take your pick. Just not Jennifer Aniston and her ilk.

The progression of 7e Sense is a lesson in animalic notes. It's raw, leathery and warm, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn there's some real castoreum or civet in this juice. This is not for the faint of heart or for the easily offended coworker. There's some barnyard in it and a lot of human bare skin. I find it captivating and engaging, but I'm not sure about wearing it in the company of non-perfume-people.

I have a tiny bottle of the parfum extrait, bought on eBay. There aren't many of these floating around, so I cherish every little drop. The ladies at The Perfumed Court have the EDP (just as rare), so one can obtain a sample and weep a little.

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