Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Illamasqua Sealing Gel (Eye Liner Cake- Revisited)

Remember this?

A few weeks after my review I finally managed to find the Sealing Gel (it seems the shortage has finally ended. I see it at Sephora all the time now) and started using it with Zeal, the green eyeliner cake.

There's a learning curve, that's for sure. I'm used to Paula Dorf's product that takes only the tiniest drop of liquid to mix with the pigment. Illamasqua's gel requires quite a bit more than that, but you still need to make sure not to overdo it, otherwise all you get is a green slushy soup that dries instantly and leaves you with a mess. Once I figured out the alchemy part I had to find the right brush. While I preferred an angled brush while applying the eyeliner mixed with water, once the gel was in the right consistency a thin eyeliner brush worked better. The swatch shows three different brushes. The precise thin line was drawn with Sephora's Professional Series eyeliner brush.

The great thing about the sealing gel is its durability. Even without a primer (gasp!) the eyeliner doesn't smudge, move or flakes, no matter what you do. It stays put until you go at it with some serious eye makeup remover. It also dries instantly, so this is not a product for beginners. But once you know what you're doing, it's a great tool to have on hand.

Illamasqua Sealing Gel ($12) is available from Sephora, online and in store.

Photo by me.

I have to apologize again for not keeping up with my posting schedule. As I've mentioned earlier today, our cable is out and my computer is connected through the wireless network on my cellphone. It's a dial-up and drops dead every time a cat even looks at it, not to mention sits on the phone (Buffy's favorite way to amuse herself). I'm also dealing with a cold that's making my head and sinuses look and feel like a war zone, so no fragrance review today. I'll do my best to make up for it over the weekend.

I'll leave you with this clip, since we're in the final minutes of St. Patty's Day. Many thanks to Jessica M. who posted this on Facebook.

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