Saturday, September 25, 2010

Weekly Roundup September 25

There's something in the air. Even those of us (=me) who aren't thrilled with the official end of summer, can smell and feel this anticipation- new clothes, shoes and makeup, the return of some favorite fall scents.Here are some of the latest finds from around the blogsphere:

Charlestongirl got her hands on four of the new Uptown Mauve Rouge d'Armani lipsticks from Giorgio Armani Beauty. Check out Best Things in Beauty them. She mostly focused on the pink and beige ones, while I focused on the plums. We both share the love for No. 606.

More pretty lips: Sabrina loves Rouge Volupté Perle. Visit The Beauty Look Book to find out why. I hope they release them in more colors, as none of the ones I tested at the counter hit the spot for me, though the texture is lovely.

Anne has something interesting for nail polish fiends. She told us why Dazzle Dry is the Energizer Bunny of nail polishes at BeautyXposé.

Kelly was in the mood for subtle and natural colors. Here she is, wearing the Fall/Winter Collection from Fusion of Color at Gouldylox Reviews.

Kari recently tried Professional Level Damage Repair Ampoule Treatment for Medium Thick Hair, and even though her hair isn't particularly thick, she liked it! Find out why at Fab over Forty. I wonder if this stuff might make a difference for my own super-thick mane.

I'm a technophile and an early adapter, but airbrush foundation gadgets scare me. Self-proclaimed klutz Lisa told us how she fell in love with the Luminess Air Brush Pro System at The Beauty Info Zone Blog. We'll be watching to see how long it takes her to repossess it from Marcia.

Did you watch Episode 1 of Flawless Faces for All Races last week? Vicki posted Episode 2 this week at Makeup Artist Backstage. All of us can learn tips and techniques by watching pro artist Vicki in action.

The launch of Burberry Beauty had us all excited and bloggers have been going through them systematically. Elvira at Pink Sith. shows us Rosewood Eyeshadow and it's gorgeous. I recently made some serious damage at my local Nordstrom (reviews and swatches coming very soon), but seeing this color makes me want to run back there and add a few more to my collection.

Product Girl Carla celebrated her five-year blogging anniversary this week. Congratulations, Carla! Ever wondered what a beauty addict's home looks like? Head over to see her true confessions. Now I don't feel so bad about my own obsession. My own fifth anniversary is coming next year. I wonder how I should celebrate it...

We hope you have a great weekend. Do something nice for yourself!

Photo by John Rawlins, 1960-something from

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