Monday, January 29, 2007

City Slickers- Tauer Lonestar Memories

I have a guest reviewer today. The Blond, who has been wearing Andy Tauer's Lonestar Memories lately, has a thing or two to say about this fragrance:

I’d like to thank my amazing non-blonde wife for introducing me over the last year to the fascinating world of niche perfume. I’ll try to contribute here and there my own reviews of the masculine scents I loved enough to buy.
The most recent example being Andy Tauer’s Lonestar Memories.

As Mr. Tauer describes it: “'It’s the scent of a lonesome rider, wearing old jeans and leather jacket, after a long day on the horse in the dry woods, preparing his coffee on the open, smoky fire. I want it to be fresh and light, yet lasting and powerful....”

How romantic! Now, I’ve done my share of camping, hiking and open fire cooking in my days but as I recall, the common reaction of my better half upon my long awaited return home, was always the same :” You stink. Better have a good shower before coming anywhere near me”.

Fortunately, Lonestar Memories delivers a very sophisticated interpretation that combines some of these wilderness attributes with very domestic luxury.

When I put it on, I see myself in front of a burning fireplace, hot cup of Lapsang Souchong tea giving off a rich smoky scent, a whiff of herbs and spices coming off something good that’s cooking on the stove, a vase with wild flowers giving off a sweet earthy smell and of course, a cat in my lap (for the purr, not for the smell).

It’s a unique scent that’s strong but not overpowering. Long staying power with a drydown that is very woody, herbal and surprisingly sweet. I love it.

To me, it's an experience that is as far from Mr. Tauer’s rough and rugged vision as the Non Blonde’s SUV is from seeing off-road adventures.

Urban cowboys and city slickers everywhere, rejoice!

My own reviews of the other three Tauer scents are coming soon.

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