Monday, June 25, 2007

Been There, Done That

I spent the 80s hoping to look like Madonna (and to have a boyfriend. A dream equally impossible for my junior high self). I remember my math teacher nearly getting a coronary when I showed up for pre-calculus wearing black lace fingerless gloves. Let this be my apology to him, 20-something years late. I also had rags tied in my hair at some point (before I chopped it all off), lots of plastic bangles and crazy eye shadows.

It looks like the people at MAC got their hands on my old eye shadow palette, the one that had 20 colors raging from sunflower yellow to fuchsia, and decided to unleash it on an unsuspecting crowd of young women who weren't around the first time someone thought that this look was a good idea. According to their site, those who refuse the appeal of this C Shock collection are style wimps and fashion wusses. I'd say we simply know better.

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