Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hotel Beauty

I'm in Florida, which should explain why I'm behind on emails and comments. If one absolutely has to turn 37, there are worse ways to do it than being in a warm place with palm trees.

I don't travel light (if my sister is reading this, she's probably having a good laugh at the thought of my luggage). When it comes to beauty supplies, it doesn't matter much if you're going for two days or two weeks. I still need a considerable amount of stuff, and I'm not one to start decanting it into travel size bottles.

Normally I stay far far away from those miniature toiletries supplied by hotels. I'm allergic to many soaps and my skin is too sensitive for such experiments. But my husband, the adventerous soul, declared the Marriott-issued Nirvae Botanicals products as "really nice", so I braved it. I tried the grapefruit-mint body wash and found it refreshing and gentle on the skin. The orange & sandalwood lotion is very pleasant, the scent is a joy for sandalwood lovers (=me) and it's smooth and fast-absorbing. Florida weather makes my skin far less demanding than usual, so while this thin and light lotion would never do at home this time of the year, it works nicely for now.

Nirvae Botanicals are the Marriott's private label (the products are available for sale at the hotel's gift shop), and seem to be popular enough to be found in many eBay auctions. I tried to find out who makes it for the Marriott, but my research time is somewhat limited with this whole being away thing. In any case, those of you who happen to come across these little bottles can feel safe using them. My skin approves.

As for being 37, it's not bad. Not bad at all.

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