Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Something Blue: Lancome Ink Artliner Indigo Charm

Gel eyeliners are a fabulous thing: easy to apply, pretty and (when done well) have a superb staying power. It's no surprise that Lancome have finally launched their version, Ink Artliner. After all, they couldn't leave the market to Bobbi Brown. And in a smart move, they've stepped into the competition while making a loud statement: Indigo Charm for fall 2009 Declaring Indigo collection.

The bright blue trend isn't new. We've seen nail polish in every possible shade and the blue eye shadow has made a strong comeback. While just about everyone has a blue eyeliner, Lancome's Indigo is impossible to ignore. Not that anyone should- the Ink artliner is an excellent eyeliner and it gives Bobbi Brown a run for her money. It's just as good as her Long Wear Gel on all accounts: ease of use, integrity of texture and lasting power. Actually, I think it lasts even longer than Bobbi's without losing any bit of color, and it requires a heavy duty eye makeup remover to take it all off after wearing the liner from morning to night in the current NYC weather.

Indigo Charm is a beautiful color. What you see in the jar is what you get on your lid. It makes a statement and is super flattering for brown eyes. It makes them stand out beautifully. While the Declaring Indigo collection also has high voltage blue eye shadows, my personal choice is to keep things simple and wear neutral colors with it: taupe for day, bronze for night.

Bottom line: Love.

Lancome Ink Artliner ($23.50) is available from every decent department store and lancome.com. I bought it at my local Saks.

photos: mine

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