Saturday, October 17, 2009


About to start reading Dreaming In French by Megan McAndrew. Fiction, coming of age between Paris and New York in the 70s.

E313ACA by Isobel Heyworth. It's a weird little thing.

Frequently worn outfit/item
Jeans. Especially loving the skinnies from DL 1961. They have good proportions and don't look ridiculous or over 80fied.

Tom Ford Private Blend Japon Noir. Dusty smoke? Smoky dust? With vetiver and patchouli.

The new Bobbi Brown Earth Metal lip & eye palette. Review coming up in a few days. No one does Metallic like Bobbi.

Mac & cheese. Yup, healthy.

Ginger Oolong tea with milk.

Guilty Pleasure
Green & Black milk chocolate with roasted peanuts and sea salt. Kill me now.

Bane of my existence
It won't be warm again for the next six months.

A new house.

Wish List
Where do I start? Furnishing and decorating said house is going to occupy my wish list for the foreseeable future.

Isn't this the best TV season we've had in ten years?

What are your current favorites, joys and banes? Please share!

Photo: Yellow Sacrf by Saul Leiter, 1956

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