Monday, November 23, 2009

The Moving Chronicles- Part 4

Things that suck about moving: It throws off your routine, shatters your comfort zone and wreaks havoc on your hands and feet.

I had to cut my nails short as they started breaking and splitting the second the word "boxes" was heard around here. I filed them as neatly as possible and applied a coat of something clear and glossy (OPI Start to Finish, if I remember correctly) and a second coat of something random I found while packing, just because. I also left out three different creams (L'Occitane, Shielding Lotion and my trusty Chanel, for anti-aging action), so I there's a tube wherever I turn. It's important.

My aching feet (eventually I'll learn not to run around in high heels at times like these) are being treated with Bliss Foot Patrol and my secret weapon: Vicks Vapor Rub. I'm serious. This stuff works wonders on all kind of foot issues and smooths even the roughest patches. Glamorous, I know.

Photo by me, with the help of Lizzy.

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