Tuesday, August 24, 2010

High Maintenance Products

In my dressing room in front of the mirror there's only room for one diva and it shouldn't be any of the products and item I'm using. One of my biggest makeup pet peeves are finicky products that require extra work and special accessories or conditions to function. This list includes:

  • Nail polish colors or brands that do not work with most common base or top coats
  • Foundations that refuse to cooperate with my favorite stippling brushes
  • Primers that hate my foundation and show through,
     and the worst-
  • Eye shadows and other products that leave so much fall out of glitter or pigment you can't leave the house without a serious cleanup job.

I'm sure there are other high maintenance products I'm forgetting. What annoys you?

Photo by John Rawlings for Vogue, March 1943

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