Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Return Of The Matching Shoes

I don't know if this really signifies the return of the matchy-matchy style, and as a child of the '80s I'm not sure how I would feel if that was to happen. But as my mom who grew up in a more ladylike era would tell you, there's something to be said for a pulled-together look.

Heidi Klum paired her Victoria Beckham dress with a matching pair of teal pumps. Her hairstyle also works beautifully here. I've combed through several photos of Emma Watson from her Today Show appearance- in some of them her Sergio Rossi peep-toes look more beige and only match her Burberry trench (want!). In others they are more grey, like her Carven sweater dress (I suspect one needs to be Emma's age to pull of this collar). In any case, it's interesting.

Now, let's just hope we'll never see matching scrunchies and socks, OK?


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