Wednesday, November 29, 2006

This has nothing to do with beauty, fashion or things that smell good. Quite the opposite, actually. But, since everyone and their mostly-blind grandma are reading the gossip blogs and talking about Britney, here's my take on this:

If there is one thing that someone who is in the middle of a custody battle shouldn't be doing, is hanging out with Paris Hilton. At this point, even the judge has already seen more of Britney than he or she has ever wanted to, and it ain't pretty.

(For those who are just emerging from under their nicely-scented rocks, the links on the right to The Superficial and A Socialite's Life would give you enough material to stay amused for a couple of hours. I'm not taking responsibility to brain cells dying unexpectedly).

Maybe the nice people at Victoria's Secret should start a new campaign: Bring the Panties Back! The girl is doing them a great service.

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