Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Candy- Indult Manakara

While not every perfume I've tested lately has sent me reaching for my credit card, I liked just about each and every one of them. The good scent spell was only broken by Manakara, a cult favorite from Indult, which became quite a scrubber on my skin.

There are only two notes listed: lychee and rose, but since the most prominent impression it gives me is of cotton candy, I'm guessing there's some vanilla in there as well. The cloying sweetness smothers and suffocates the rose, pounding it into nothing every time it tries to emerge from beneath the layers of just-melted sugar.

For the life of me, I can't imagine a grown woman who would want to smell like this thing. Actually, the way it reacts with my skin, I wouldn't even want a little girl to smell. It's beyond Barbie and vanilla gel pens. I hope those who adore this scent and are willing to pay for the outrageously priced syrup experience something completely different when they apply it. One thing for sure: They get their money's worth in staying power. It takes a lot of soap, water, time and patience to get rid of Manakara.

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