Thursday, July 12, 2007

Men Don't Dream About Coconut- Sage Machado Onyx

This morning I read a Fragrance Bouquet post about coconut perfumes. A casual comment Divina made about her boyfriend being a serious coconut-hater has made me realize that this is very likely a universal male issue. Friends, Friends' husbands, old boyfriends (and anyone who isn't my father) don't like the taste or the smell of coconut, while women are usually big fans (I've heard many times a woman saying that she needs to alter a recipe for a significant other who wouldn't touch it because of coconut).

I love coconut in food (Whole Foods have these sinful chocolate macaroons), but not so much in fragrance. I even passed on the Estee Lauder Tom Ford Azuree oil (The Blond has seriously wrinkled his nose at it). The whole san tan lotion or Hawaiian Tropic oil appeal is lost on me. It smells cheap and definitely doesn't feel sexy, try as I might get the Carmen Miranda vibe going (sans banana hat, that is).

I do make one exception, and that's for Onyx by Sage. Technically, it's a coconut scent, but it's also very dark and almost mysterious. I don't think I ever detected oakmoss (next I'll get the oil. Maybe it's there more than in the EdT), but that blend of vanilla and tobacco is like wearing a sexy white dress on a summer night in a tropical island, with an adventure that's just about to begin.

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