Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Apparently, Sarah Palin is now working in PR

Previously on the Non-Blonde: A press release for a lipstick managed to annoy me on several levels.

If you look at the comments on that post, you'll see an anonymous rambling one that makes very little sense. Of course, nothing on the web is really anonymous and you can imagine where it came from. IP numbers do not lie. But just to drive home the point, the PR person sent me an email that seemed to be written in Palinese, berating me not just for my lacking sense of humor, but also for not supporting the Breast Cancer Awareness cause.

If you're scratching your heads now, I don't blame you. You saw the press release that focused on the Shiksa theme. There was no mention of the Breast Cancer Awareness issue, which wouldn't make much of a difference, really. The Shiksa makeover for the poor Jewish girl angle would still be just as idiotic. But supposedly, I should have done "a little more research" (direct quote) to discover the good intentions paving this road to hell.

I don't think so.

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