Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Anyone in Phoenix, Arizona?

Every month I get the Bliss catalog and check what's new. Sometimes I order an item or two, drool over something, scratch my head over others and never skip the fitness products to look at those MBT shoes and wonder if I need to have them.

Let's face it: they are ugly even for running shoes, which have never been the most aesthetically pleasing footwear. But I can't resist the claims and promises for a superior technology (Swiss engineering, according to Bliss, and I'm all for Swiss stuff, from chocolate to perfume) that improves one's posture, tones and strengthen leg and butt muscles and even gets rid of cellulite. As someone who has named her elliptical trainer (Gladys, if you have to know), the concept sounds quite appealing. So I select my size and click on "add to basket" before reminding myself that I'm about to drop a hefty sum on ugly athletic shoes and navigate away from that page.

Now, it looks like the good people of MBT have wisened up (though probably not enough to make the shoes pretty. Hint: poach one or two of the Puma designers) and are offering us an opportunity to see and test the shoes in person. Their Try, Trust & Love program is about letting people try on and experience various models and designs and meet an MBT Academy trainer (I wonder how you get such a job).

Sounds great, but the upcoming event is in Pheonix, Arizona. It's scheduled for Friday, January 11 – Saturday, January 12, at the Phoenix Convention Center, Ballroom’s D and E, Booth #416 33 S Third Street. I'm not going to be there, but since I know I have quite a few readers in that area I would be very happy to hear from someone who is planning to attend. I'd love to know how it goes and even feature your experience as a guest blogger, if you're so inclined. Just email me (the.non.blonde at gmail dot com) with your story and impression (state o'your cellulite optional).

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