Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Laline Massage Bars

Madonna might be hooked on Laline products from Israel, but apparently she must be getting them either in London or in Israel and can no longer buy them when she's in the US, because the Santa Ana store seems to have closed in recent months. The line is available in the UK (also online) and in Norway, so looks like European customers can still get their fix of sweet smelling creams and lotions.

I had the opportunity to try Laline massage bars, that also multitask as rich body butter. Unlike many other Laline body products, the bars don't contain mineral oil and do more than just coat the skin. The ingredients are sweet almond oil, beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil and fragrance. It's all good and very nourishing, even for extra dry limbs.

You break a small piece from the bar and let it melt in your hands before slathering it on the skin. The rich butter feels nice, but takes a lot of time to absorb and leaves a thin coat behind: great for protection against harsh weather, but a bit too sticky at first, so it's not a "slather, get dressed and go" product. It's much better for use after a relaxing bath before bed, when you don't worry about getting your clothes greasy.

The fragrances used here are very strong, so you need to be careful if you plan to wear a perfume. My favorite of the bunch is the addictive Vanilla Cocoa. It's a guilty pleasure kind of scent, as foody as they come. It's sweet, far from sophisticated and would make you crave chocolate, but some nights it's not a bad thing at all.

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