Monday, January 14, 2008

An Inside Look Into A Blogger's Purse

I was tagged by Grayburn. The game is simple:

I need to let the world see what's in my purse. This is the handbag I carried today:

And its content:

A blue J. Crew silk scarf (I usually have a scarf, a cardigan and/or gloves), my ancient red wallet that desperately needs to be replaced (but wallet shopping is not really fun), sunglasses (I keep a pair in each purse), phone, keys (house, two cars, neighbor's house and the elephant key ring was a gift from my mom. I love elephants), mini Altoids, two packs of Kleenex, a pen, a sample of Andy Tauer's Incense Extreme (fabulous scent. A review is coming soon), two lip colors: One Chanel and one Benefit, my business cards (old version. I need to order new ones with my current graphics) and a sample of The Thymes Eucalyptus lotion (I just ran out of a mini tube of hand cream, so I grabbed the first lotion I found).

There you have it.

And, a bonus photo of my cat, Tulip, who really wanted to participate:

It was a fun challenge that reminded me the lovely "Petite Anthropologie de Sacs" by Nathalie Lecroc. You can read more about it here. The book is supposed to come out this year.

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