Monday, July 27, 2009

Boots No.7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum

I wasn't sure that I'm the right person to test Boots No.7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum. My skin doesn't betray the fact I'm 15 months shy of my 40th birthday (good genes and compulsive maintenance. A disgustingly clean lifestyle doesn't hurt, either). However, the lines I do have are hereditary and are part of my expression: laugh lines near my eyes, and my forehead shows the signs of developing frown lines identical to my father's. Apparently, mothers everywhere were right: your face really does end up getting stuck like that. In addition, I also noticed recently that there's another line forming between my eyebrows. All that crankiness really doesn't do much for one's face, but I was sure the only salvation is Botox.

Still, when a product like Protect & Perfect serum gains not only a cult of followers that methodically clean out the shelves at Target, but also has some scientific that actually supports its claims, it means I need to try it. One day I actually found a lone box in the Boots No.7 aisle at the store, so it went home with me.

That started a twice daily new skin care routine. Protect & Perfect goes on smoothly and is quick to absorb. It's a good thing because you must follow up with a moisturizer, as this product feels a bit dry. It never clashed with any of my creams, and basically just went into the skin and stayed there, doing its thing. The box promised results within four weeks. I didn't see any change in the forehead situations, but honestly, I didn't expect to see anything. However, something was different and it took me a little while to realize that Protect & Perfect must be the best pore minimizer I've ever come across. My pores are pretty small to begin with, so it wasn't a big change, but getting an even smoother skin was a very welcome surprise.

I kept using the serum. Two or three weeks later I was scrutinizing my forehead and could not deny there was something going on. I didn't turn into Nicole Kidman or anything, but frowny 1, 2 and 3 (yes, they have names) were significantly less obvious. The line between the eyebrows, though, was still very much there and I was ready to declare that the serum does diddly squat for that kind of wrinkles. Until this week, when I started to suspect there actually is some difference. I can't prove it and everything was pretty subtle to begin with- it's not like any of these lines were that noticeable for the non-obsessive observer, but something is definitely happening.

The laugh lines are still in place, but that's how it should be for anyone who isn't Renee Zellweger.

Bottom line: I'm buying another bottle. Or maybe I'll go with the Intense version. More serumy goodness can't hurt.

Boots No.7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum ($21.99) is sometimes available from Target, in store and online. I bought it locally.


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