Sunday, December 20, 2009


The books are finally unpacked and sort of arranged in a meaningful order. I was in the mood for some mind-numbing chick-lit, but after buying a Christmas present for a friend, I think I'd go with some vintage sci-fi instead. I also have a beauty post planned that combines my love of makeup and sci-fi. I'm serious.

The entire Strict Joy album by The Swell Season.

Frequently worn outfit/item
Anything cashmere.

Vintage chypres. The more oakmoss the better.

Just bought several items from Chanel's spring collection. Gorgeous.

Rose-scented Turkish delight from a local Middle Eastern deli. I don't blame Edmund for selling out to the White Witch.

Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. I had some the other day at Whole Foods and wanted to hug the girl who was making it.

Guilty Pleasure
Those stupid games on Facebook. I need to get rid of the farm.

Bane of my existence
Knowing with absolute certainty that there's another visit to Ikea in my near future.

Sitting in the cozy house and looking at the snow.

Putting the finishing touches on some rooms.

Wish List
Health for some very loved ones.

There are those moments that make the house your home for real: putting some old fridge magnets on the new fridge, dropping those blue Vanish tablets in the toilet's tank, cleaning the first hairball from the floor...

What are your recommendations, thoughts, joys and banes? Please share.

Image: Spring Hats by Yale Joel, 1950. From

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